PuppyCam Behind the Scenes

What’s happening behind the webcam?

If you’ve been watching our PuppyCam, then you’ve gotten an up-close and personal view of our Momma Dorey and her five sweet puppies! But what’s going on that you CAN’T see?
Our sweet family is living in the office at our director’s house! Dorey has a large maternity suite set up where she has all the comforts she needs: food, water, toys, and even a separate bed to hang out in if she needs a break from the puppies. 

Each day, the puppies are examined for any obvious problems or concerns, and then they are weighed! What matters right now is that they are gaining weight – any amount of weight. We want to see daily gains, so that we know that each puppy is nursing and getting enough! 

Right now, our job is to make sure that Dorey is healthy and happy. She’s living full time with her puppies in a quiet space so that she’s stress-free. We let her out to potty often, and we spend quite a bit of time with her in the nursery, but she’s not interacting with the resident dogs or accepting visitors.
Dorey is being fed as much as she wants to eat. She needs to keep up her energy levels to nurse five babies! She has constant access to puppy kibble, and she’s also being supplemented with canned puppy food and high protein/higher fat foods. Her favorite is a custom omelet comprised of one scrambled egg, shredded Cheddar Jack cheese, and a hot dog! 

Keep watching our puppycam and our social media feeds for updates on this adorable little family. You can always find our puppycam streaming on our YouTube channel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl9q4KQQuxfdtXkCj-KmEyw   You’ll be amazed at how quickly the puppies grow!

Puppies are fun and exciting and watching them is so much fun, but we in no way want to glamorize pregnant dogs, breeding, or litters of puppies. We are so grateful that we happened to save Dorey, whose pregnancy was a surprise. But for every Dorey, countless other dogs aren’t rescued. Countless other mothers are having countless other puppies, and those puppies are ending up in shelters, on the streets, breeding and making more puppies, and so on. 
Please. Spay and Neuter. ❤
